Immigration & the Football Game

“Violent ground acquisition games such as football is in fact a crypto-fascist metaphor for nuclear war.” — Derek Lutz: “Back to School”.

Recently, it seems like almost every living person in the United States have become terribly upset over a supposed violation of the rules of a football game? Why? Does anyone find it strange that no one seems to be upset over the likewise violations of the immigration rules of this country? Why, the President himself has dictated that the rules are null & void, and no one seems to care.

Now, as you might have guessed by the title of this post, I could care less about sport; of any sort. Such a waste of time. Of course, if the rules of, say, football, included that the losing team captain received a French Shave, I might take more of an interest.

Perhaps, people would take more interest in immigration laws if those who failed to honor their oath of office, the ones who consistently spend billions of tax dollars feeding looters and parasites, would likewise receive a French Shave.

Oh wait. The French did that to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette and look how they turned out.

It’s no wonder our country is in the mess it’s in, what with this almost religious preoccupation with worshiping at the Church of the Pointed Ball. They have pre-season games and post season games. They have off-season games. Sundays, once a time for devotion to God and personal reflection; time to spent with family & relatives, are now spent in front of televisions, wearing the appropriate clothing, make-up & other costumes, gorging on pizza, chips, pretzels, and swilling pop & beer. If not in front of the television, they crowd into giant arenas that dwarf the Roman Coliseum, to witness the carnage in person. Their “heroes” are the great moneymakers of the game; the most musclebound and violent; Gang-bangers in uniforms; The sexually immoral and a few perverts here and there, just to be fair.

The post-modern culture and it’s society have degenerated to the point that what was once important, God, country, personal dignity, self-control, & self restraint, just to mention a few virtues, have been relegated to dusty shelves in bookstores and libraries, while violence, lust, and narcissistic self-satisfaction and immediate gratification have taken their place.

Yes, the song needs to be changed from “God Bless America” to “Bless Us Oh Pointed Ball”.

We are definitely living in “interesting times”.

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