KDE Has Done It Again

The KDE people, if they can really be called "people", have completely hosed-up Blogilo and it’s predecessor, Bilbo Blogger. The spell checker in Blogilo doesn’t work because they chose an editor that doesn’t support in-line spell checking. And, to make matters worse, the KDE libs have changed to such an extent that you can’t build Bilbo Blogger against them at all anymore. What a bunch of Microsoft-ish jerks. Take something with great potential, that worked well, and completely screw it up. Thanks. Thanks a lot.

Edit: Now, this is weird. Bilbo Blogger works as expected on my Centos-6 laptop I use at work. So, what the hell is wrong with the same system installed on my desktop?

Still, the Blogilo program shouldn’t be so integrated into KDE. That’s a problem because the spell shecker still doesn’t work. In fact, it’s not even installed by the distro. Not in Centos or openSUSE-12.3. I guess that’s how they deal with a problem in KDE … sweep it under the rug and hope people will shut-up.

Edit: Bilbo even builds, installs & runs on this machine.

You know, I really love the idea of Linux but, I really have to question some of the people involved in it.

Edit: Okay. Now, this is one of those posts that I could most likely delete and nobody would be the wiser (nobody of significance reads this, if anyone ever reads it at all – they try breaking into it all the time and then I block their whole CDIR-they are in, but they don’t read it. Wastes of skin). Anyhow, it seems that my issue was two-fold.

1) It seems that, as I was yanking my hair out trying to get the program to compile, someone was releasing updated versions of KED and boost! After they had installed, whatever problem had been introduced in the earlier one I was using, (it was the "latest and greatest" at the time, however), then Bilbo compiled and installed (mostly) correctly.

2) I closed above with "mostly" because I was getting permission errors in the file created by cmake called "install_manifest.txt". This was due to my using a central server to store all the software I have to compile in order to use. The problem was caused by the state of my NFS mounts. Rather than mess with NFS, I snatched a copy off the server, compiled & installed it locally and everything went swimmingly.

So, my ranting and raving above was my own fault.

Still however, some of it still stands. The habit, and it’s a bloody bad habit, that the KDE people have developed of snatching up programs they like and integrating them so tightly into their desktop that they can’t stand alone with just kdelibs and qt installed is a problem. Especially, when, in this case where someone thought it would be a good idea to switch-out the editor for qt-webkit, which doesn’t support in-line spell checking. As Bilbo (or Blogilo) is a blog editor and some of us like to use software tailored for a specific purpose instead of doing every bloody thing through some web browser, losings spell check is a serious matter, especially for people who write by the light of the screens, from time to time, and type two keys at once or spell some words phonetically, using the spell checker to (hopefully) provide the correct word.

It’s a waste of time for me to ask them to do it differently as well. I’m tired of being told to upgrade my system or change distros. Lazy answers all. I used to be a fan of Fedora; at least, in the beginning. Thing is, I have better things to do with my time than to perform constant fresh installs. Seems like most everyone is doing this now. At least, Centos and openSUSE give you a few years before throwing you under the bus, so I’ve decided to stick with those two. As for KDE; Well, they copped an attitude when they threw KDE-3.5 under the bus and become more interested in making pretty displays that faded in and out; Pretty displays that broke almost all the v3.5 software, so I migrated to Gnome 2. At least I can still find Gnome 2. Thing is, this is supposed to be "free" software. Not necessiarly free in the monitary sense, but in the freedom to choose what to use, and I would think that freedom would also include the freedom to use any program with any desktop. Desktop developers shouldn’t pidgin-hole people into using their desktop just for a single program and then break the damn thing, because they don’t like some built-in portion, with a piece of cripple-ware. I mean, if qt-webkit is so good, then why doesn’t it support in-line spell check, and if it will someday, why was it forced into a program that they knew from the get-go used in-line spell check before it was ready?

Anyhow, I suppose the only solution to my problem is add the one thing that Blogilo did that Bilbo Blogger doesn’t do and that’s support the creation of new new categories. Gotta go to the web browser to do that, which isn’t very often. Besides, I’ve wanted to expand my menial Qt skills. I suppose this is as good an excuse as any.

Immigration & the Football Game

“Violent ground acquisition games such as football is in fact a crypto-fascist metaphor for nuclear war.” — Derek Lutz: “Back to School”.

Recently, it seems like almost every living person in the United States have become terribly upset over a supposed violation of the rules of a football game? Why? Does anyone find it strange that no one seems to be upset over the likewise violations of the immigration rules of this country? Why, the President himself has dictated that the rules are null & void, and no one seems to care.

Now, as you might have guessed by the title of this post, I could care less about sport; of any sort. Such a waste of time. Of course, if the rules of, say, football, included that the losing team captain received a French Shave, I might take more of an interest.

Perhaps, people would take more interest in immigration laws if those who failed to honor their oath of office, the ones who consistently spend billions of tax dollars feeding looters and parasites, would likewise receive a French Shave.

Oh wait. The French did that to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette and look how they turned out.

It’s no wonder our country is in the mess it’s in, what with this almost religious preoccupation with worshiping at the Church of the Pointed Ball. They have pre-season games and post season games. They have off-season games. Sundays, once a time for devotion to God and personal reflection; time to spent with family & relatives, are now spent in front of televisions, wearing the appropriate clothing, make-up & other costumes, gorging on pizza, chips, pretzels, and swilling pop & beer. If not in front of the television, they crowd into giant arenas that dwarf the Roman Coliseum, to witness the carnage in person. Their “heroes” are the great moneymakers of the game; the most musclebound and violent; Gang-bangers in uniforms; The sexually immoral and a few perverts here and there, just to be fair.

The post-modern culture and it’s society have degenerated to the point that what was once important, God, country, personal dignity, self-control, & self restraint, just to mention a few virtues, have been relegated to dusty shelves in bookstores and libraries, while violence, lust, and narcissistic self-satisfaction and immediate gratification have taken their place.

Yes, the song needs to be changed from “God Bless America” to “Bless Us Oh Pointed Ball”.

We are definitely living in “interesting times”.

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Now the Testing Begins

Obama talks, in his post-election press conferences, like he is the only adult in a room of squabbling children. Sadly, that’s what he believes about those he "reigns" over. As a Progressive/Fabian Socialist DemocRAT, the President of the Unites States is completely detached from reality. He believes he can lawfully play the part of "king", spewing out executive orders like a mad toilet paper dispenser. He will pursue his destructive-to-the-Republic course until his last day in office. Were I a betting man, I’d make a huge bet on this one. The map graphic above is meaningless to him. The loss of the Senate is likewise meaningless.

We know how this will most likely play out.

What we need to watch for is how the new Congress behaves. They made many, many promises to get elected. The question is, will they behave as honorable men, or, in typical RepubliCON expectancy, did they pull off the greatest con in history?

Progressives/Fabian Socialists and globalist Quislings are not limited to just the DemocRAT party. Will the new Congress neuter Obama’s collectivist’s wet dream: Obamacare, by refusing to fund it’s massive bureaucracy? Will they send a veto-proof bill to Obama which completely dismantles the obscene thing, and send him simple legislation that corrects insurance company abuses and permitting unregulated interstate insurance shopping?

What about the borders? The Constitution puts the security of the country squarely upon the President’s shoulders. On this, he has failed miserably and should wear the moniker of "Quisling" with pride, because the shoe fits him well. It matters not whether we’re talking about the Apology Tour or the Mohammedan fifth columnists, scattered about the land or the active terrorists crossing the open borders. Even the "unofficial" encouragement, through promises of welfare-state benefits and immunity from prosecution for criminal behavior, to South & Central Americans, Mexicans, and drug cartel gangsters, to unlawfully enter the country. It includes the bizarre reaction of Obama and his sycophantic, propaganda mouthpieces, to the African Ebola epidemic. The lies told and deceptions put forth about Benghazi and "Fast & Furious". Obama’s desertion of a U.S. Marine in Mexico is a bitter pill that would haunt a man with any sort of conscience.

What will the new Congress do about this? Will they reverse current presidential edicts and act to prevent any further ones? Will they close the borders? Will they push back against political correctness and profile the Mohammedans, expelling those who smell, even a little, like terrorists, the enemies of the Republic?

Will the new Congress address the IRS and the EPA abuses? Perhaps they will dissolve both unlawful agencies. Will a flat consumption or FAIR tax system be instituted?

Will the new Congress act to achieve balance in the Supreme Court and the federal courts, understanding that many of these judges are acting outside of their constitutional authority by allowing their personal prejudices to color their rulings, and; mollycoddling to special, and in many cases, Progressive/Fabian Socialists, interests, helping them to succeed in the pursuit of their devices, where they failed at the ballot box.

Will the Progressive/Fabian Socialist globalist racist, bigoted, DemocRATS out there be very upset with this post? I assure you that they will, most assuredly be, since I have the gall and audacity to write things against their pompous, swaggering, overbearing, two-bit, tin plated, dictator, who suffers with delusions of godhood.

But get this one; whatever I write pales in comparison to what they write and say to and about those who disagree with them, no matter how, or to what degree, the disagreement may be. Just suck it up there, Buttercup. Meander off and cry on the shoulders of your friends at DemocRAT Underground. If you’re offended or think I’m a meanie, just remember, you have taken a stand against, not only the Constitution, but in many areas, against God Himself. Therefore, as far as I’m concerned, you’re deserving of all the abuse you may receive. Go write your own blog. ‘Nuff said.

So, John Boehner; Mitch McConnell; Are you going to work to restore the greatness of our Representative Constitutional Republic, or will you turn out to be just a couple of RepubliCONS, engaged in pulling the greatest con job ever on We the People?

Some Photos to Think About

Some Photos For You to Think About

Some Symbols of the Fabian Socialists

The window above reads, top to bottom:



I can’t read to whom the letter is addressed: maybe the secretary of the Fabian Society, and as for the stack of books; that’ll have to wait for someone who has seen the actual window to report upon.

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing.

There it is. Right there in the open; but people refuse to believe it. Regardless of what you call them, Fabian Socialists or Progressives, they are definitely Wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Now, some telling words from our "favorite" eugenicist Progressive:

"You must all know half a dozen people at least who are no use in this world, who are more trouble than they are worth. Just put them there and say Sir, or Madam, now will you be kind enough to justify your existence? If you can’t justify your existence, if you’re not pulling your weight in the social boat, if you’re not producing as much as you consume or perhaps a little more, then, clearly, we cannot use the organizations of our society for the purpose of keeping you alive, because your life does not benefit us and it can’t be of very much use to yourself." –George Bernard Shaw, Newsreel interview, 1931.

Some People Think It’s Just Fiction

Oftentimes, the truth is much stranger than even the best fiction.

A Snapping Turtle. An appropriate symbol for the Progressives.

Progressivism is the philosophy that is driving most of the politics and societies of the Western world today. This is the American government today.

Well, that’s all for today’s photo essay and commentary in Fabian Socialism/Progressivism.

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Washington State is On Fire

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past few weeks, you’re aware that Central and Eastern Washington state are burning up … literally.

While the sarcastic, disrespectful side of me wants to put the blame solidly upon the people who voted the Progressive Inslee into the Governor’s mansion, thereby bringing God’s wrath down upon all of us, I think I’ll instead address the real issue. The Radical Environmentalists who have infected the government at most every level, but in particular the U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and the Washington State Department of Natural Resources.

Here’s what I believe happened. Some years ago, the Environmentalists put a stop the the practice of spraying the ditches and shoulders on all the rural, Forest Service/BLM/DNR and logging roads. What that did was permit weeds to grow unchecked. At the end of each season, the weeds go to seed and the winds, which are quite strong in the affected areas, blow seed into the forests. These germinate and in the following Spring/Summer, the forest floor becomes a tinderbox of dry weeds. This cycle repeats for several seasons until an untimely lightning strike, an errant ember from a campfire or a slash pile happens upon this fuel-rich environment and before long we have a wind-whipped wildfire consuming the countryside. This has been the rule, rather than the exception for many, many years now.

The Environmentalists will say that this is the natural order of things but, again, they are lying. The "natural" order would be for no one to have ever entered the forest in the first place. Under those conditions, many decades would elapse between large forest fires, and then, only dead/dying/diseased trees would be burned because the temperatures in such a fire are lower that those in these wind-whipped, weed-fueled monsters that we are contending with today.

Because Mankind has entered the forests, cutting roads and trails, and provided an environment conducive to excessive weed growth, the forests of today require management. That includes insuring that the weeds are controlled. Failing to provide this sort of management has been one of our most abject failures.

This is why these particular Central Washington fires have become so large. There are few "forests" in the familiar sense anymore. The forests of some 45 to 50-years ago have passed into memory only to be replaced by thousands of acres of weeds, grasslands and scrub brush. Wildfires looking for a time & place to happen.

So now, we have reached the crux of the matter. We, collectively as voters, have to accept responsibility for electing people into powerful government positions who have agendas not necessarily aligned with our own and furthermore, permitting them to surrender their Constitutional authority to literal armies of unelected bureaucrats and Progressive technocrats, accountable to no one, who work tirelessly advancing the cause of globalist’s control over all aspects of our lives and property, including the so-called public lands.

All of this just begs the question; "How do we regain control?"

An immense effort to reforest the areas of concern, along with concerted programs of weed abrogation, the "endangered" bugs be damned, would be the foundation of the effort. Changes to farming practices might also contribute. Crops requiring irrigation, planted on otherwise bare slopes could help control seasonal flooding and help water these areas, making them fire resistant. The process would have to continue and expand over several decades, involving everyone affected, not just government, which would be restrained by law from trying to save "bugs" anymore.

Our Progressive nitwit Governor proclaimed that these fires were going to only get worse and worse as the years pass. He blamed global warming, of course. A cowardly way to escape responsibility for his part in advancing the political and social philosophy which created the environment which contributes to fueling these fires.

Dealing With Really Annoying Software

I’ve got a problem.

I loath software that is supposed to work, but doesn’t.

For some time now I’ve been using this blogger program called “Blogilo”, which began it’s life as a program called “Bilbo Blogger”, and ran under KDE/Qt4. Then, the author of the program changed it’s name to Blogilo (because, no doubt Bilbo Blogger sounded too much like Bilbo Baggins from “The Hobbit” for some junkyard dog lawyer looking to make a quick buck and/or some notoriety for himself), and gave it to the KDE people who, sadly, incorporated it into their system to the extent that it simply refuses to work properly unless you’re actually running their desktop and then, after all that, the spell checker function refuses to work.

Since I moved to Arch, LightDM-GTK, and Mate, I’ve revisited this problem for myself. I loaded my copy of the Bilbo Blogger source, compiled and installed it. This post was generated using Bilbo Blogger. It does everything that Blobilo does, (except for creating new categories) and, … wait for it … wait for it … the spell checker function works.

Now, I used to be a KDE devotee, back in the days of version 3.5, but when version 4 came out, the KDE team’s focus seemed to have shifted away from functionality and dependability to visual superficiality. For me, all their visuals just wasted processor horsepower and gobbled-up precious memory.

Now, in the computer world, it seems that you can be a mother-raping, father-murdering, family-dog molesting, drug-dealing, car thief and still find acceptance out there, somewhere. However, if you criticize a Linux desktop package and you’re instantly anathema to most but especially to the people who maintain the particular desktop package you’re having an issue with. Needless to say, I’ve never been able to get any satisfaction from the KDE people. From the little bit of information I was able to find out there, that’s pretty much the case for others having similar problems.

So anyhow, I’ve got enough KDE installed to make Bilbo Blogger run and that suits me just fine. In spite of the fact that this program is written in one or more of these bizarre modular programming languages (I’m an assembly-language guy), I’m considering trying to add the category-creation function to Bilbo Blogger myself. I don’t know how successful I’ll be. I don’t like programming languages that seem to me like a bunch of boxes of FBM, if you know what I mean.

Well, let’s see if this posts to my little blog site. If it does, I’ll post my progress here, for anyone who cares 🙂

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What the Heck!?!

“In the United States, direct manufacturer auto sales are prohibited in almost every state by franchise laws requiring that new cars be sold only by dealers.” From: “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Car_dealerships_in_North_America”

I think it’s time to trash such laws. If I want to buy a truck or car, and I want to buy it from the manufacturer (because I know the local dealer runs his dealership like he was running a drug dealership, for example) then I should be able to do so, and no bureaucrat should be able to tell me different!

I’m really sick of these Progressives/Fabian Socialists thinking they have a mandate to interfere with how I live my life.

What’s Needed …

Hopefully, someone who breathes, eats, and sleeps KDE software will stumble across this and start thinking a little.

Blogilo, formerly Bilbo Blogger, a program written originally FOR KDE has now been absorbed INTO KDE. Because it’s become so tightly integrated into that desktop, it won’t run properly outside that environment (and from what I’ve seen, it doesn’t always run properly within the environment either).

The solution is to extract it and make it a 100-percent functional stand-alone program.

Perhaps converting it to a Qt4 program to keep the nice display but it’s blogging software after all and should use standard Linux spell checking libraries. It should update the blog and terminate that operation, once completed instead of sitting there, forever updating the blog.

It looked so good before KDE absorbed it. Now, it’s more “crap-with-a-pretty-face” than anything else. I suppose that’s because nobody who matters in the KDE world takes care of it.

Oh well. Another day. Another gripe.

One Weird Trick … and Echelon/PRISIM

You hear it on a daily basis in radio advertisements.

“We’ve discovered one weird trick that will …”, blah, blah, blah.

Weird tricks are all over the Internet, too.

Well, I don’t know about you, Gentle Reader, but when I encounter that phrase “weird trick”, regardless of the context, I DISMISS THE MESSAGE AND THE MESSENGER AS CRANKS!

So, whoever you are Madison Avenue advertizing executive that came-up with the “weird trick” that’s sweeping the nation; stuff it!

Oh, by the way, Americans make it so easy for the NSA to track and spy on them. Nearly everyone’s got a smart phone these days and they work overtime exposing their entire lives in social media. The NSA just has to log-in to their Facebook or Twitter accounts and scan away. Privacy doesn’t seem to be too big a concern, especially for the Obamabots, who sold their souls for an Obamaphone.


Bye for now!